Subproject by Stage as of March 16, 2025

ยป Bridge

Stages of SubprojectsNumber of SubprojectsLoan ProceedsGovernment of the PhilippinesLocal Government Unit EquityEuropean Union GrantTotal
Approved Subprojects9357,765,614.9144,720,701.8744,720,701.870447,207,018.63
Completed (100%)9357,765,614.9144,720,701.8744,720,701.870447,207,018.63
Bridge658 Linear Meters9357,765,614.9144,720,701.8744,720,701.870447,207,018.65
Under Implementation000000
Fifty percent and above progress000000
Less than fifty percent progress000000
With NOL 2000000
Under Procurement000000
With NOL 1000000
Pipelined Subprojects000000
Endorsed for Issuance of NOL 1000000
Approved by RPAB000000
Under FS / DED Preparation000000
Under Validation000000
Status Scope
Completed (100%) Covers subprojects with 100% physical progress (validated by the RPCOs / PSOs, with Joint Inpsection Team Inspection Report).
Less than fifty percent progress Covers subprojects that are (i) issued with Notice to Proceed (NTP) and (ii) undergoring construction activities (execution of contract) with physical progress below 50%.
Fifty percent and above progress Covers subprojects that are undergoring construction activities (execution of contract) with physical progress ranging from 50% to 99%.
With NOL 1 Covers subprojects issued with No Objection Letter (NOL) 1 allowing the proponent LGUs to proceed with procurement process.
With NOL 2 Covers subprojects issued with No Objection Letter (NOL) 2 allowing the proponent LGUs to proceed with awarding of contracts to the winning bidders.
Endorsed for Issuance of NOL 1 Covers subprojects under review by the PSO / NPCO for issuance of NOL 1
Approved by RPAB (for submission to the PSO for review / endorsement to the NPCO for NOL 1) Covers subprojects already approved by the RPAB that are (i) undergoing compliance with the conditions required by the RPAB prior to endorsement for NOL 1; and (ii) ready for endorsement to the PSO for review / endorsement to the NPCO for NOL 1.
Under FS / DED Preparation Covers subprojects that are (i) undergoing preparation of feasibility studies (FS), detailed engineering designs (DED), bidding documents and others required for approval; (ii) with draft FS (including DED, bidding documents, safeguards compliance documents, etc.) being reviewed by the RPCOs / PSOs prior to review / approval by the Regional Project Advisory Boards (RPAB); and (iii) For review / under review by the RPCOs, PSOs and NPCO for issuance of No Objection Letter (NOL) 1
Under Validation Covers subprojects that are (i) already scheduled for validation activity and (ii) already validated but pending submission of the "Validation Report" by the Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) I-BUILD Unit.